Respiratory Therapy Services

At Stephens County Hospital, our Respiratory Care staff has achieved status as Registered or Certified Respiratory Therapists, and is licensed by the State of Georgia to provide all levels of Respiratory Care.  The staff at Stephens County Respiratory Care provides evaluations and management of a wide variety of pulmonary symptoms. These include such problems as chronic cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The Respiratory staff also provides assistance with the management of many chronic health conditions, including asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, infectious lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, and pleural diseases.   The Respiratory Care staff is also heavily invested in preventative care for our post-operative patients, especially our Joint Replacement patients.  The staff provides assistance with lung inflation therapy, and monitors all post-operative patients’ ability to maintain good lung function following surgery.

The Stephens County Hospital Respiratory Care Department has been reviewed and accepted as a provider of Quality Respiratory Care Recognition Program.  The program is overseen by the American Association of Respiratory Care.  Stephens County Hospital has been awarded a Certification of Excellence in Respiratory Care Annually since 2003.

Outpatient services include EEGs, EKGs, and Pulmonary Function testing including Body Plethysmography, Lung Diffusion measurements, as well as Basic Spirometry and Bronchodilation Effectiveness Spirometry.

Inpatient services include EKGs, EEG’s, Pulmonary Function exams at the bedside, Aerosol delivery of medications, Chest Physical therapy to assist with clearing the airways of secretions, various Lung Inflation therapies including PEP therapy and Incentive Spirometry therapy, Adult, Child, and Infant ventilator management, CPAP and Bi-Level noninvasive ventilation, Arterial Blood gas sampling and analysis, Intubation, and CPR.  In addition the Respiratory Care staff attends and assists with the care of all High Risk Deliveries. 

Our physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists work collaboratively to develop long-term treatment programs and to respond to acute respiratory crises.

Our Services Include:

  • Asthma & Allergy
  • Pulmonary Diseases
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Diagnostic Sleep Laboratory

Diagnostic Sleep Laboratory

Sleep Testing

The Diagnostic Sleep Laboratory at Stephens County Hospital provides for Stephens County and our surrounding service area the ability to experience a wide range of necessary sleep exams to improve your quality of life and provide a good night sleep.  We provide several different sleep exams to the benefit of the patient experiencing problems with their sleep.

All staff caring for patients in the Diagnostic Sleep Laboratory has been specially trained to care for you during this exam in addition to being a fully licensed and Registered Respiratory Therapist.

Getting sufficient sleep is not a luxury—it is a necessity—and should be thought of as a “vital sign” of good health. To learn more about sleep testing and what to expect click on the tab below.

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